She is not only excited about seeing what Sin City is all about – “since I love to explore wild things!” – but she is also hoping that she can find an equally-wild Las Vegas club to help her host her party and do it up right – Jaaden-style!@socialslut2
Turning 21 is also important for Kyrelle when it comes to the real estate game, as she is looking at properties to grow marijuana and start her own farm with the OnlyFans money… and maybe launch a dispensary or two. “I’ve been looking to tackle the big challenge of a grow farm, get a cultivation license and create a small-scale, sustainable space, and maybe look into a dispensary to sell my own marijuana. I’ve heard that a commercial cannabis business can be difficult, but I have never been afraid of hard work.” By diversifying her business interests and creating another avenue of income with this new venture, Kyrelle says she can prepare herself for the next chapter of her career beyond personalized content creation. “I can’t do OnlyFans forever, but by the time I move on, I hope to have a solid fan base to follow me to my next business endeavor,” she adds. “Setting yourself up for a fiscally-responsible future is something that many content creators don’t think about, but they should. To me, this is the most important part of being a creator – putting down the foundation for the next phase of your life at a young age. I’ve been so fortunate with this career so far, and I urge others to be smart now so you don’t have to worry about a job or money when you’re older. It comes sooner than you think!” Find and follow Jaaden Kyrelle at: Twitter: OnlyFans: @jaadenkyrelle
Instagram: @thejaadenkyrelle
OnlyFans: @jaadenforfree (FREE) TikTok: @jaadenthesoulsnatcher
Jaaden Kyrelle is a model, influencer and OnlyFans superstar (top 0.04%, thankuverymuch) who made her career debut in September 2020. With 400 followers on her social media pages and a mountain of college debt, the petite (5’3”) Salem, Oregon native knew she had the natural talent and appeal to become a successful online content creator.
“I think people relate to my content so much because it’s all very raw and amateur footage,” she says, noting that her success “kind of happened overnight thanks to a handful videos” and when rapper Pooh Shiesty posted a photo of her in all her gorgeous glory. Her Twitter page has since exploded to 720,000 followers, as well as more than 300,000 on TikTok – before she was banned from her former account for her “shock factor” content – and her first-ever sex video drew millions of views right off the bat! A world historical events enthusiast (“I almost majored in History”), Kyrelle graduated high school at 15, earning her Criminology & Criminal Justice degree in 2022 at Arizona State University’s Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions with ambitions of becoming a criminal defense attorney, but viral fame – and a six-figure income – has put her former goals on hold.