(LOS ANGELES—July 29th, 2022)
TheMall.sexy “the number one portal to everything in the adult industry” is very happy to announce that Bathmates will be joining their site as an affiliate.
The Bathmate penis pumps are manufactured to the highest possible standards while also being fully inspected and compliant. Bathmate pumps are built with durability and quality in mind.
Their official site is bathmatedirect.com but you’ll be able to find them directly now on themall.sexy
“We are very excited and happy to have Bathmates on our site, and hope you will check them out and order yours today,” said a rep from themall.sexy.com
TheMall.Sexy has been having a very successful year, and with even more visitors and business to themall.sexy.
Themall.sexy is also one of the proud sponsors of the 2022 Urban X Awards.
To get more information, please contact James at Galaxy Publicity; james@galaxypublicity.com
The post TheMall.Sexy Announce Bathmates joining the site appeared first on Adult Industry News.